The Canine Touch


The Canine Touch (CT) technique is gentle bodywork designed to address the dog’s soft tissue with series of small moves set into specific procedures:

The CT Dynamic Balancing addresses the whole body; by relaxing soft tissue and stimulating the proprioceptors it helps the body to re-align and re-balance itself, improving spatial awareness.
  • Additional addresses of the individual Areas of Concern procedures may resolve compensation issues or assist in the healing and regeneration after tissue injury.
  • Moves over specific points as well as stimulation of the nerve receptors in the skin induce general relaxation, which maximizes the healing processes in the body.
Canine Touch© opens another level of communication with the dog, a comprehensive technique, optimizing the function of the soft tissue, balancing the nervous system and positively encouraging relaxation, thus allowing the ‘door to open’ for healing to take place by guiding the body to greater functionality.
The Canine Touch can be used by dog owners who wish to help just their own dogs or by the Canine specialist who can incorporate this gentle bodywork into their own “skills” toolbox.