The Canine Touch


MOJO (by Heather McReynolds)

Mojo was resuced by the I.S.P.C.A. in April 2007 at 6 months old. He had been kept in a very small area, lay in his own faeces, was underweight, and was very weak do to lack of exercise. A few months down the line, with the excellent care fromstaff at the I.S.P.C.A. & the vet, Mojo had gained weight, was moving a little better. He required pain relief & antiinflammatory for a long time to help his joints which had problems due to the way in which he was kept as a puppy.

I met Mojo while teaching an Equine Touch course at the I.S.P.C.A. centre (the photo). He enjoyed Canine Touch, we fell in love, & so he was adopted. Mojo now enjoys life with his new friend Holly and is very good not to squash her with his big paws. His hobbies are: swimming, eating, playing, sleeping, hugs & kisses and Canine Touch. He has come a long way! Canine Touch keeps Mojo mobile, pain free &happy!